It's amazing how time flies! I've caught myself so many times lately just staring at Molly in sheer amazement at big she has gotten. I have such a big girl now!
Example: Just look at the difference three years & bigger pair of over-alls make:

And just look at how much bath-time has changed:

It just blows my mind...where has the time gone!?!
This weekend was our 6th annual Halloween Bash at the house. It was so much fun & I think everyone had a really great time! Molly changed her mind (last minute) and decided that she wanted to be a UGA cheerleader instead of a "cook man". So, we were very lucky when we found this cheerleading outfit at the Dollar Tree, of all places! I think she'll make a great GA cheerleader one day!

Eric & I decided to go as hippies this year. But, everyone called me Cher all night & I have to this get-up, I really do look like Cher:

We spent the day after the party at the farm, riding 4-wheelers & feeding deer. It was nice to have just a relaxing day to re-group from the party.

Here's Molly & Eric sporting their sunglasses...Molly still sporting the "G" tattoo on her cheek from the night before!

She's really pondering something here!