I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what to get Molly for Christmas. Of course, everything that comes on TV she says, "I want that...I want
all of that." But, nothing has really stuck that she really, really wants. There's no
one, big present. Last year, it was so easy...she wanted a dollhouse, a kitchen set & a tent. This year...
clueless! People are always asking what they can get her for Christmas, and I know it sounds bad, but I have no idea what to get her myself! If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them.
This week was just as busy as last! We had my office party on Monday night, and Molly really enjoyed playing with all the other kids there. On Thursday, Molly danced at DEA. It had been 4 weeks since she had practiced her dance, so I was a little nervous about how much she'd actually remember, but she did great! She was so excited, because she got to stand in the middle of the group this time (even though, there's only 3 of them). This was the first time that Eric has been able to go watch her dance...he was so proud & it really made her night. Eric & I left there and went straight to the peanut mill party. Molly went home with her Meme & they stopped off for McDonald's. To Molly, that was the perfect ending to a great night!

Friday night, the "girls" and I had a Christmas party at our house. The kids exchanged gifts and had such a great time playing together. They even put on a talent show for us at the end of the night. It was wonderful for all of us to get to spend some time together. I really hope this will become a yearly tradition. Here's a picture of all of our little ones...

Saturday night, we had Christmas at my grandparent's house. She cooked a feast...fried chicken, ham, bbq ribs...it was all so great. The kids (Molly, Braylon & Rhiana) all exchanged gifts & we enjoyed watching their excited little faces.

Yesterday, we had the Hammock family reunion at the Woodman of The World building. It was great to see family members that we hadn't seen since last year. Then, we went home & started cooking for supper club last night. I cooked a ham & a turkey with lots of sides...it was pretty good for my first time ever cooking a ham, if I do say so myself!
I'm off to Dr. Sharkey again tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully, I'll be able to do a little Christmas shopping when I leave my appointment! Maybe something good for Molly will jump out & slap in the face, otherwise I may have a very disappointed little girl Christmas morning.