Wednesday, June 24, 2009
From the mouth of "Mo", Part 2...
This year, Eric planted a mixture of cotton and sunflowers in the field in front of our house. I know it will be so pretty when the sunflowers start blooming...that is, if they survive. Because, if there is one thing that deer love to munch on, it's sunflowers. Every night when Eric comes home, he honks the horn, hollers, does everything he can to try to run the deer out of his sunflowers. Molly has quickly learned that daddy doesn't like the deer to eat his sunflowers, so each morning when we leave & each evening when we return, she'll look in the field & say, "Let's see if there's any deers eating my daddy's cornflowers!"
Lately, Eric has starting shooting at the deer. He has no intention on killing them...he just shoots towards them to scare them out of the field. Molly, on the other hand, thinks he's mowing deer down left & right! Saturday night, me, Molly, Robin & Shannon were at the house waiting on Eric to get home from the farm so that we could eat supper. When he finally arrived, he ran in the house, grabbed his gun and ran back out. Molly turned to me & said, "I bet there's some deers in my daddy's cornflowers, daddy's gonna shoot them!" Sure enough, moments later, we heard the gun fire. As serious as she could be, Molly said, "Well, I bet there's deer feathers everywhere, now!"
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
High-lights & A Tornado!
Last weekend was so jam-packed with activities, I don't know where to start. So, I think I'll just hit the high-lights. Here we go:
-Papa is actually doing a lot better & was able to come back home last Friday. He was sent home with a "Health Buddy". It's a computer that you use to test all of his vitals & respiratory strength twice a day. You then just punch in the results, plug it into a phone line & it sends it straight to his nurse at the's pretty cool! He's still got a ways to go, but hopefully, he's on the path to a full recovery.
-Thankfully, we have water again! And, it's great!
-We went to the Miss GA pageant send-off for "Miss" Raven. Raven is one of Molly's dance teachers & our reigning county queen. We'll be pulling for her this weekend & we sure do hope she brings the crown back home!
-After the Miss GA send-off, we went to the Mexican restaurant for Brandon's 11th birthday. He was just 4 months old when Eric & I started dating! Man, how time flies!
-While at the party, Eric called to say there was a tornado in the field with him. Luckily, it didn't do any major damage, but I think it shook him up pretty bad! I'm pretty sure he had to stop & change his clothes, though!
-I kept both Braylon & Molly Friday, so that moma could help get papa home from the hospital. We had a really good time, but two kids are definitely more of a handful than just one!
-I went shopping in Augusta Saturday in hopes of finding some vacation clothes. Unfortunately, I came home with lots for Molly & VERY little for myself! That child has the most clothes! We did have a great time shopping & eating, though!
-Sunday, we spent the first 1/2 of the day with my family for Father's Day. The kids had a great time playing on the waterslide & in the pool. Later that afternoon, we went to the farm to meet Eric & have supper with him, Shannon & Robin. It was a wonderful (& hot) day!
Well, I think that hit all of the major things we did. I know we went to Ware's at some point for supper, but I don't really remember which night it was...they've all started to run together! I guess that's a sign that it was a really good & busy Father's Day weekend! All of the guys are going to the river this weekend, so I'm sure it will be a lot calmer for all us girls! I cannot wait to hear all of their stories, though!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hectic Week...
Sorry that it has taken me so long to get a post up this week. It's been pretty hectic, but I'm hoping we're going to have a much calmer weekend!
I want to start off by thanking everyone so much for the calls & prayers concerning my Papa. It was very hard on me to get that call earlier this week. But, after FLYING home, I was able to get there in time to kiss him, tell him I love him & watch him be loaded into the back of the ambulance. He's receiving bags of fluid constantly at the VA hospital in Dublin, but he's stil got a ways to go. It has definitely been a rough week, but hopefully he's doing some better now.
We've gone the last 3 days (off & on) with no water at our house. We've been having to go to Mrs. Lisa's for baths! We thought it was fixed yesterday, but when Molly & I got about half way finished washing my car...we ran out of water! Needless to say, my car is pretty interesting looking now...being half-washed! Hopefully, the entire box on our well will be replaced today & we'll be good to go again!
Since I don't have to work tomorrow, I'm going to keep Braylon & Molly so that Moma can spend the day at the hospital & give my grandma a break. Pray for me...those kids are a handful when they're together! I'm thinking that by lunchtime, we'll be gone to moma's house so that they can play on the's such a great babysitter!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Happy Birthday, Braylon!
We had such a great time celebrating Braylon's birthday this weekend. It's hard to believe he's already 5 years old! Man, time flies!
His party had a "Spongebob" theme & he even had his own little cake.
Not that he had time to eat it, because he was too busy playing on the slide.
He was so shocked to see his "big" gift at the end of the party...his very own truck!
Monday, June 1, 2009
I know, I know...I didn't blog at all last week! I'm sorry, but it was a very busy week! So, here is a very quick run-down on what's been going on. Let's get started...
Braylon & Rhiana graduated from Pre-K...
My Uncle JM came down to visit from Kansas. He's such a riot...
Drake graduated from High School! Here he is with his graduation gift from his parents...
My "little" cousin Stefany graduated from High School...
Molly attended cheer-camp all last week & loved it...
She also got her very first haircut...
Saturday night was her dance recital. It was so great...all the dancers did such a wonderful job! Here she is with her instructors, Miss Val...
And Miss Raven...
And her buddy, Macie...
See, I told you we've been busy! Hopefully, I'll be a little more tactful from now on & won't keep everyone waiting so long!
Oh, and we caught a few fish, too...
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Myrtle Beach 2007
Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...