Monday, November 8, 2010
Back & Forth
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Let The Fall Festivities Begin...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Weeks Are Flying By Now...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
It's finally Fall...
We also got the news last week that we may be meeting our new little girl sooner than expected. It seems I have a placenta issue that may force us to induce a couple of weeks early. As long as she's healthy, we're ready when she is!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Last Thursday evening, we decided (spur of the moment) to load up & head to Florida for a little getaway. We arrived at 2am Friday morning and spent the first couple of days in a cabin at the St. John's River. Molly wasn't much on the fishing, but had a blast swimming in the river!
Then, we loaded up Saturday & headed over to Daytona to the beach...
Later that night, we took Molly to play miniature golf for the first time & she had such a great time...and she was pretty darn good at it, too!
With the summer officially ending this week, I look forward to all that Fall has to offer...the fair, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and meeting our new daughter! We're on the home-stretch now with only 9 weeks left to go. I can't even begin to imagine how much things are going to change for all of us when this new little one gets here. We've been a little family of 3 for so long, but I have a feeling being a family of 4 is going to be even better!