Happy "Patrick's" Day, everyone! (That's what Molly is calling today!) And, I promise you, she is on the lookout for people not wearing green...so beware!
Eric & I had a great trip to Texas, but we are so proud to be back home! When we left Atlanta Thursday afternoon, it was 73 degrees and sunny. When we landed in Houston 2 1/2 hours later, it was 38 degrees and raining. Big change! After landing, we quickly caught a cab, checked into our room, changed into warmer (and more rain-resistant) clothes and headed off to the rodeo. We spent about 2 hours looking through vendor booths before finally deciding on something to bring back home for Molly and Braylon. We got them "real cowboy belts". Then, we headed over to Reliant Stadium to watch the rodeo and Brad Paisley in concert. Boy, did he ever put on a great show!
Here's a picture I snapped on my cell phone as Eric & I were making our mile-high trek to get to our nose-bleed seats at the concert. See Reliant Center? That's where all the vendors set up selling their crafts. That is also where the 4-Hers show off their prize-winning cows, sheep, goats, etc... Now, do you see the 3 huge white tents down the center of the street? Those are the food vendors! There's at least 100 of them selling any kind of food you want. It is all so delicious!

Eric & I try to attend the rodeo each March when I go out to Houston for my checkups. It is always so much fun & 100% of the proceeds go directly to Texas FFA and 4-H clubs. Even the concert singers donate their "performance" for free.
We started tests at 7:45 Friday morning. First was bloodwork, followed by chest xrays and abdominal scans. Then, it was off to meet to meet my doctor. By this point, my nerves were shot & we just wanted answers. And, we got them! Great ones! Dr. Cormier said everything looked perfect, and she was very proud of how close I was being monitored by my local doctor. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted from shoulders & we are very thankful to have gotten such a great report.
After that, Eric & I had a five hour wait until we could catch our flight home. We were so anxious to get back home to Molly. Once we finally arrived in Atlanta, we hurried back as quickly as possible so we could pick up Molly from my parents before it got too late. She was excited to see us when we finally got there, but quickly informed us that she wanted to spend the night with mama and papa one more night! Oh, well...so much for hurrying home!
We spent the rest of the weekend resting & trying to catch up on our sleep! Shannon & Robin came over Saturday night for pizza. Cliff & Caroline joined us later in the night, and the girls had a really good time playing while the "big kids" played cards. Then, we hosted Supper Club at our house Sunday night, and it was great to see all of our friends again!
We are so thankful for my good report and to have such great families & friends to come home to! We love you all!
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