Oh, I am SO loving my 3-day weekends! But, I have quickly learned that they are still not long enough! We were all over the place this weekend, so I'll try to just hit the high-notes to keep this post from being 3 pages long.
Saturday night, we went to a great little Japanese steakhouse & enjoyed a great meal with friends. There were 11 of us total & afterwards we went bowling. It was the first time in years that Eric & I had bowled, and it was Molly's very first time! We all had a really good time & cannot wait to go again!
Yesterday, we spent most of the day at the farm. We started off by spreading Karmex in the pond to kill any weeds & lily pads. Molly loves riding in the boat. I do, too, but I'm not great at driving it...I had us running into all sorts of things! But, I made dang sure not to hit any branches with wasp nests hanging in them...so, I guess I'm not that bad of a driver after all!
The Mason's joined us at the farm & we rode 4-wheelers the rest of the afternoon. 
We visited Brown Springs & the girls couldn't resist taking a dip...(in their underwear, nonetheless)...
But, then again, neither could Eric. (However, he didn't strip down to his undies, thankfully)...
There was lots of squealing & kicking at this point...
We rode down to the river where we saw 3 turkeys & a rattlesnake (thankfully, it was dead)! Once again, the water just calls their name...."Come, girls, dip your little feet in...the water's lovely..." 
They also enjoyed a refreshing (& freezing cold) drink from the running well. 
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