I hope everyone had a wonderful, fun & safe 4th of July. We certainly did! We got a glimpse at just how "country" our little girl is!
Friday, we went fishing at Williamson Swamp. Well, that wasn't entertaining enough for Molly, so she ended up getting out of the boat & floated along in the swamp in her lifejacket! I was a nervous-wreck, but she had a ball! Later that night, we had friends over for pizza & cards.
Saturday morning, we got up early & headed to the Altamaha River right outside of Jesup for a day of mullet-fishing. Cliff, Tracy, Caroline & Shannon joined us. I was a little uncertain about this trip...an entire day in the heat on a river sandbar didn't sound like that much fun, but boy, was I wrong. We had a great time! The adults sat in our chairs in the middle of the river (up to our necks in water) & fished! And, our little adventurous one, floated in the river from 11-4 non-stop. She even cried when I made her get out! 
That night we went to see the fireworks & it was one of the best displays I've seen in a really long time. We missed the fireworks last year, because we were in Houston. And, I guess Molly had forgotten about seeing them 2 years ago, because the entire night she kept looking at me & saying, "Mommy, thank you so much for bringing me to see these boo-tiful fireworks...I've never seen them before!" After fireworks, we headed to the farm to check pivots & finally got home about midnight! Needless to say, we all crashed & slept hard when we finally made it to bed!
Sunday, we cleaned fish & had a fish fry at the house. After supper, we all taught Mrs. Lisa how to play our favorite "Kevin's Rummy/Canasta game". It was such a fun weekend!
This Saturday, we leave for vacation & we are all very excited. Eric didn't get to go last year, so this will be our first family vacation in two years! I will be sure to post pictures as soon as we get back! Look out Myrtle Beach, here we come...all 17 of us!
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