So, to play catch up again...
I haven't posted since last fall and SO much has gone on since then. We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas. Halli was old enough to really enjoy opening the presents this year & made it so much fun for everyone.

Molly's competition dance season geared up in the Spring. We did 4 competitions this in Statesboro, 2 in Spartanburg and 1 in Savannah. This was her first year competing with a solo and she did great. She really racked up on awards and was named Showbiz's Petite Lyrical Icon. I could not be more proud of the sweet, talented and smart young lady that she is becoming. I am proud to be her mommy!
Molly recently had a bout with a pretty nasty bacterial infection that got in her blood stream. We were worried that she may have staph, but thankfully she didn't. It still was pretty rough on her...spreading to about 12 places before we got a handle on it. Thankfully, I have some pretty good friends at the Dermatologist's office that worked her in immediately, did cultures & started her on some pretty strong meds. She gave us a pretty good scare!
Halli has continued to have trouble with her elbow dislocating. She spent a month with it in a cast after the 3rd incident in hopes that it would help strengthen the ligaments around her joint. It did seem to help for a couple of months, but then started popping out again. As of now, it has been almost 3 months with no dislocations, so I am hoping that we she may have "outgrown" it. She is a real trooper...she is so full of energy, not afraid of anything, loves everyone, talks to every person she sees (stranger or not) and keeps us laughing hysterically. Right now, she is on a kick of saying 'Thank you' to everyone for everything, "Yes, Please" in the sweetest little voice when she wants something and "Bless You" anytime she hears someone sneeze. She has also started saying "Hi you guys" in a Yankee accent...don't know where that came from. She has definitely filled a place in our family that we didn't even know was empty. I am proud to be her mommy, too!
It's planting season right now, so Eric is busy at the farm...working til late every night. We have had SO much rain lately, that it is making it very hard to get anything planted. We are, however, trying to plan a couple of little getaways soon. Hopefully, we'll be able to take the girls to the beach soon and Eric & I are planning a cruise with some friends next month. I am really looking forward to both trips! Let's just hope the rain will let up long enough that Eric can finish planting or else, we won't be going anywhere!
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