Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time Flies!

It's amazing how time flies! I've caught myself so many times lately just staring at Molly in sheer amazement at big she has gotten. I have such a big girl now! Example: Just look at the difference three years & bigger pair of over-alls make: And just look at how much bath-time has changed: It just blows my mind...where has the time gone!?! This weekend was our 6th annual Halloween Bash at the house. It was so much fun & I think everyone had a really great time! Molly changed her mind (last minute) and decided that she wanted to be a UGA cheerleader instead of a "cook man". So, we were very lucky when we found this cheerleading outfit at the Dollar Tree, of all places! I think she'll make a great GA cheerleader one day! Eric & I decided to go as hippies this year. But, everyone called me Cher all night & I have to admit...in this get-up, I really do look like Cher:

We spent the day after the party at the farm, riding 4-wheelers & feeding deer. It was nice to have just a relaxing day to re-group from the party.

Here's Molly & Eric sporting their sunglasses...Molly still sporting the "G" tattoo on her cheek from the night before!

She's really pondering something here!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Who Knew "Free" Was So Expensive?

We took all of the Supper Club kids to the Statesboro Fair last weekend, and needless to say, they had a blast! There were so many rides there that were aimed for "little kids" and so many yummy food vendors that were aimed for us "big kids". I really think everyone had a great time! I think the highlight of the night for the kids was winning goldfish (which they didn't actually win...the fair-man "gave" them all a fish because after 500 ping-pong balls, they still had not won anything). Anyway, Molly got a small bass that night...and so, our fish saga begins! "Curious George" required us buying a new fish bowl, rocks, plant, food, etc just so he could end-up kicking the bucket 2 days laters. Well, that left us with all this "fish stuff" and no fish. So, yesterday while Molly & I were at "The Wal-Mart", I told her she could pick out a new fish. She decided on the black mollies (simply because she liked their name) & we got 3. As we were leaving with our new fish, the man who helped us get our fish asked if we had an oxygenated aquarium. With fear of what he was about to say, I simply said "no." Well, of course, black mollies can only live in an aquarium with oxygenated water...so we had to buy a new aquarium. And, then Molly also wanted a little "fish tunnel" for them to swim through...so we got that too, even though it did not fit in the aquarium once we got it home! On the way out of Wal-Mart, we met a friend who was admiring Molly's fish & was quick to point out that we have 1 male & 2 females...and I hear they really like to breed. So, we'll probably end up having to get an even bigger aquarium to house all of the offspring. Man, one "free" fish is becoming very expensive!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Long-Overdue Update

I have really got to be a little more consistent with my posts! It has been forever since my last one & so much has changed. Unfortunately, there was a minor "ant incident" that caused me to have to pull Molly out of school. Well, it actually wasn't too minor, because it ended her up in the ER getting IVs of Demerol until 10pm that night! After that, Molly refused to even talk about going back to school, and I definitely didn't push her.
She has really started to blossom lately at dance class. I no longer have to attend class with her & do the dance moves myself...thank goodness! She looks forward to it every week & recently had her first "performance" at the SPS Fall Festival. She didn't do very much dancing, but at least she got on stage...and boy, was she the cutest thing ever!
The girls & I went to the GA/Tenn football game this weekend & had a blast! I think we all needed a get-away...we need to get together more often! GO DAWGS!!

Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...