Thursday, November 13, 2008

Goodbye, Summer...

With a heavy heart, I have come to realize that summer has already passed us by this year. Yes, I know that we've been having fall weather for several weeks now, but it's just hard to believe it's over. No more warm summer days, no more swimming in the pool, no more wearing shorts or flip-flops, no more smell of fresh dirt that's just been planted with corn, or cotton, or peanuts, no more ice cream cones that melt before you can get them half-way eaten, no more taking the dogs to the pond for a "cooling off" swim, no more smell of freshly-cut grass, no more staying outside until 9 at night, no more trips to the beach, and no more of this...
How wonderful it is to run through the sprinklers wearing nothing but your panties, your hair bow & your innocence...

However, the cool fall weather is here now...which means it's getting time for Thanksgiving, more family gatherings, Christmas, presents, snuggling up at the fireplace, hot chocolate, beautiful lights everywhere, (my birthday), cotton modules being packed (even on my front lawn), passing peanut wagons on the road (which makes us smile), kicking acorns (which makes Molly smile), (my birthday), colorful fall leaves, no mosquitos or gnats, warm fuzzy sweaters, and my birthday...did I mention that already?

Happy Fall, Y'all!!

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...