Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to School

Well, the first week of going back to school went off without a hitch.  She was excited to be back in school and with all of her classmates.  I pray that she has a great school year.

Halli is also adjusting well to "no paci".  She has made it 14 nights so far.  Not to say that there hasn't been a few tears along the way, but we're getting there! She also made it through her first day of dance.  After begging for weeks to go into dance with Molly & yelling, "It's my turn to dance!", we had to bribe her to make her go in when it really was her time!  But, in no time, we were hearing her yell "Ta-Da" every few seconds.  Val & Kathy said she put on a show...I have no doubt!

I am so proud of my 'big' girls & how great they are.  They make my heart smile...and my face, too!

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...