Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Molly & I have spent the last couple of days with the virus...yuck! But, thankfully, we are both feeling a lot better today & have returned to our normal routines. Thanks to everyone for all of your well-wishes. Eric & I leave tomorrow morning for Texas, again. It is time for my annual check-up at MD Anderson Cancer Center. It's never a trip that I look forward to, but I'm particularly nervous this time, because my cancer has came back 3 times in the last few months. I'm taking all of my path reports with me, and I am in hopes that this doesn't mean that we're going to be there any longer than expected. Right now, we're hoping to fly back home Friday night if everything goes as planned. MD Anderson is probably one of the most humbling places on earth. It is a visual reminder of how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away. I never get used to seeing all the little kids with their bald heads. They are just innocent children fighting a disease that they have no way of comprehending. And, I see their parents who look so tired, so desperate and still so hopeful at the same time. It just breaks my heart, and at same time makes me so thankful of what I have. It makes me thankful that I have a healthy child and that my cancer was caught early so that I can stay here and watch my little girl grow up.

It won't be all torture while we're in Houston, though. March is the month of Houston's Livestock Show & Rodeo. It's a huge event they have at Reliant Stadium each year, and Eric & I really enjoy going to it. Each night of the month, they have a different artist in concert varying from Lynyrd Synyrd (which I wish we could see) to the Jonas Brothers. After looking through the booths, tasting all the great food, and watching the PBR rodeo, we'll actually get to see Brad Paisley in concert. We're really looking forward to this part of the trip.

Before I sign off for the week, here's a picture that I thought I was kind of cute....

The dog is sitting in the seat, watching where he is going. The child has her head hanging out the window with her mouth wide-open. Shouldn't it be the other way around??

And, Triton: I'm really sorry I posted a picture of you wearing a pink collar...please forgive me!

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...