Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Photos...

I am really loving my new camera that Eric & Molly gave me for Christmas. I have SO much to learn about all of it's shooting capabilities, but so far I am LOVING the portrait & close-up shooting modes. Here are a few of the pictures I shot on the very first day of having the camera...
This is by far my favorite picture I've taken on it so far. It turned out a little dark, but I'm still learning, people!
I've also really become fond of the these next pictures. And, I didn't realize until I uploaded them that they are all "opposites".
Little dog...
Big dog...
Doesn't like cold weather...
Loves cold weather...
Now, I'm just ready for the weather to warm up so I can get outside & learn a little more about my new camera. Then again, I sure would love to see some snow fall tonight...that would make for some pretty pictures, too!

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...