Monday, December 8, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

Whew...I must have a food hang-over from Thanksgiving! It's been so long since my last post! We have a lot of catching up to, let's get started!
Thanksgiving was great! Molly & I had lunch with my side of the family that day & then came back for supper with Eric's family. We all 3 ate til our little hearts were content...even Eric had to come off of his diet that day! Here's a cute picture of Molly & Braylon saying the blessing...
The Saturday following Thanksgiving, we attended the Wiggins' "Kettles of Fire" chili-cookoff. Well, anyone that knows me & Eric knows that we are both very competitive people. So, of course, we both made our own chilis to compete against each other. And, I am so proud to announce that my chili (and I would like to add that this was the very first time I had ever made chili) won a prize for being the "sweetest"...I think it was because I stirred it with my finger :) !! Needless to say, I have tried "not" to rub it in Eric's face too much that his chili didn't even place!
Last week was a very busy one. Between play practices & dance events we had something going on every night. Molly & I rode in the city's Christmas parade with her dance group last Thursday night. It was a lot of fun & Molly really enjoyed waving to all the kids...
Friday, Molly went with Braylon's Pre-K class to Savannah to see Santa & ride the carousel. Moma took them by Chuck E. Cheese's on the way home...I think they enjoyed that more than the actual field trip! We also had her dance group's Christmas party Friday night. When we arrived, there was a huge inflatable princess slide set up outside. Those girls were ecstatic. Molly was like a little lost puppy until Marti finally arrived...then she couldn't have been any happier...
Saturday night, we had our Christmas play at church. Molly & I were angels. The kids all did such a great job & we were very proud of them. Don't look to close or you might just see some little horns under that halo...
Yesterday, some friends & I took our kids to Augusta to see Santa at the mall & then to Disney on Ice. They had such a great time...we did too! That was a wonderful show & of course, the kids had to have souvenier "flounder" hats...

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...