Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm Ready To Wash...

I have a new washing machine...And, it works! I feel like a whole new woman & I cannot wait to get to washing clothes again. (Give me a then, I will have come to my senses about how insane that just sounded)! Me, Molly, Tracy, Caroline and Robin all attended PromFest Monday night. It's a fashion show that the high school's junior class puts on every year. The students model prom dresses and tuxes, and it's always set to a really cute storyline. This year's was absolutely wonderful, and we had a really good time! The girls loved watching all the "princesses" in their beautiful dresses. I got a really good report from Allen yesterday on my previous biopsies. Two good reports in a row...woo-hoo! Of course, he couldn't let me leave without putting me through a little bit of pain, so he did a couple of new biopsies, but they weren't that bad! Well, today has made me realize exactly how fast my baby is growing up. I just got back from signing her up for Pre-K. That's Pre-K! I cannot believe it...where has the time gone?? I just brought her home from the hospital yesterday, wearing her cute little pink & white jumper with no hair and big, beautiful brown eyes. Well, at least, it still seems like it was just yesterday...

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...