Wednesday, June 24, 2009

From the mouth of "Mo", Part 2...

This year, Eric planted a mixture of cotton and sunflowers in the field in front of our house. I know it will be so pretty when the sunflowers start blooming...that is, if they survive. Because, if there is one thing that deer love to munch on, it's sunflowers. Every night when Eric comes home, he honks the horn, hollers, does everything he can to try to run the deer out of his sunflowers. Molly has quickly learned that daddy doesn't like the deer to eat his sunflowers, so each morning when we leave & each evening when we return, she'll look in the field & say, "Let's see if there's any deers eating my daddy's cornflowers!" Lately, Eric has starting shooting at the deer. He has no intention on killing them...he just shoots towards them to scare them out of the field. Molly, on the other hand, thinks he's mowing deer down left & right! Saturday night, me, Molly, Robin & Shannon were at the house waiting on Eric to get home from the farm so that we could eat supper. When he finally arrived, he ran in the house, grabbed his gun and ran back out. Molly turned to me & said, "I bet there's some deers in my daddy's cornflowers, daddy's gonna shoot them!" Sure enough, moments later, we heard the gun fire. As serious as she could be, Molly said, "Well, I bet there's deer feathers everywhere, now!"

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...