Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting Ready For School!

I cannot believe that we are actually having to get ready for school....SCHOOL! Molly is supposed to still be my little baby, not old enough to be going to "big" school. Where has the time gone? She starts to Pre-K Friday & SHE is very excited...I, on the other hand, am really NOT excited. Unfortunately, one of the bad sides of getting ready for school is having to go to the doctor beforehand. Last week, Molly had to get 4 shots (2 in each leg). Needless to say, she was not to happy about that! But, she did really good & ran no fever with them. And, yesterday, we went back for her eyes & ears exam which she passed with flying colors. So, now, she's all ready to start school. But, I'm not ready for her's going to be a LONG day for mommy! We also found out last week that Triton had a cancerous tumor that needed to be removed. Unfortunately, because of where it was located, we had to have his "boys" removed as well. We were not happy about this at all since we had always planned on getting a puppy off of him. But, we are very thankful that he went through the surgery great & is on the road to recovery! It's my turn for doctors appointments now...I head back for more biopsies today. And, though, it's never a trip that I look forward to, it is a necessary trip that I embrace. It's always nice to see the doctors & nurses at Dr. Sharkey's office...they have all been so great to me and are such wonderful people. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures of Mo's first day of school & post them on here next week. Pray for all of us that we make it through those first few days!

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...