Monday, January 5, 2009


Eric left Saturday for a duck-hunting trip to Arkansas. Growers Supply offered to take him & pay for all of his shells and beverages, so he couldn't turn down the opportunity. It wasn't quite so easy for him to leave, though. Molly is now at the age where she knows what's going on & boy, did she get upset Friday night when he started packing. She finally settled down about bedtime, though & packed a little stuffed dog inside Eric's suitcase so that he'd have something to sleep with! He should be home tomorrow & I'll be sure to post his pics (if he takes any)! Saturday night, Molly & I went over to the Mason's & played their Wii. I'm in love! I absolutely would love to have one! But, I don't know if my body can take it. We bowled, played tennis, baseball, golf, boxed and lots more. I could barely walk yesterday after playing that thing the night was lots of fun, though! It's going to be so hard getting back into the routine of a 5-day work week this week. Friday seems like forever away! And, my calendar looks so bare! We've had something going on every single night since Halloween & now, I have a blank week....nothing! And, I am SO looking forward to it!

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...