Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Good Gracious, That's A Big Ol' Dog!"

Saturday morning, I woke up to the familiar sound of Jimmy barking. Assuming it was just the neighbor's dogs in our yard again, I tried to ignore it & hoped it wouldn't wake Molly. However, Jimmy was persistent and his barks started to sound a little panickey, so I figured I better get up to see what was going on. When I looked out the window, I had to do a double take....there was a shetland pony running around in our front yard. Yes, a horse of all things! I woke Molly up & toted her to the window so she could see it. She said "Good gracious, that's a big ol' dog!" I tried to convince her it was a horse, but she wouldn't believe me until it started running again & she could see it's mane & long tail. Then she said, "Good gracious, we got a horse in our yard!" He gallopped around our yard & the fields in front of and beside our house, before he vanished. The last time I heard, the police were trying to catch him in Lake Luck subdivision! Saturday night, we went to Drake's 18th birthday supper. It was a lot of fun & Molly enjoyed helping Drake open his presents. When we got home that night, we pulled up in the yard & caught a couple of our friends toilet-papering our house! There was nowhere to run...they were caught with paper in hand! So, we stood there and made them take it all down, before we let them come inside from the cold. We have great friends! Sunday, it was back to Supper Club which was held at the Wiggins' this week. Supper Club is a group of friends that get together every Sunday & take turns cooking for the rest of the group. We've been doing it for about 3 years now & it's always a lot of fun and a lot of laughs. You can always read about our Supper Club adventures by clicking the link on the right side of the page!

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...