Thursday, January 15, 2009

From the mouth of "Mo"...

I had a good appointment yesterday with Allen. I only had 2 biopsies come back from my last visit as "moderately" displastic & one of those had clear margins. So, we only had to go back in on one and do stitches. It is on my left side, kind of under my arm, in a really tender area. He also cut out a couple of new biopsies on my right leg and hip. They're not bothering me too much today, though...nothing Tylenol can't handle. We have officially crossed the 1,000 stitches mark...woo-hoo! When I looked in the mirror last night at what my body had endured over the last few years, I just cried. There are so many scars...well over 100 now. Eric says they just add character. And, honestly, he's right. Each scar tells a story. Some are older and more faded, representing the beginning of this almost 5-year journey. They represent when my life was turned upside down with the news of having cancer. The really big ones reflect my trips to Texas and the major surgeries. The newer ones are a lot darker and some are still tender. But, I can probably tell you what the biopsy results said on each and everyone of them. And, as much as I wish I didn't have such a scarred-up body, I am proud of all of them. Because, they show how much fight I have in me to beat this and to stay here to watch my little girl grow up. Molly is always so great when I come back from the doctor. Since I've been going every other week for the last year or so, she's gotten used to my being a little sore sometimes & having "boo-boos". Last night when we were laying in bed, she said "Mommy, I don't want you to go to the doctor anymore." I could hear the worry in her voice and tried to explain to her that it's just something Mommy has to do so that I can stay healthy & be here with her. She just calmly said, "Well, from now on, you just tell me & my daddy and we will look at you and find your boo-boos and me and my daddy will kiss it and put a band-aid on it and you will be all better and you won't have to go to the doctor and get shots any more!" (3-year olds use a lot of "ands") If only it was that simple!

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Myrtle Beach 2007

Here's a video of Molly & Caroline running from the waves on our 2007 vacation to Myrtle Beach. It's amazing to see how much they have changed since then. Enjoy...